
They are said to be the best in the world, and they keep getting better with every competition and every challenge they are confronted with.

Tags: cliff diving

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  • lacrossekid37 Says:

    9/08/2012 6:18:10 PM

    the impact would be so intense that 90% of the time, they would dislocate their shoulders when they hit the water. dislocation happens to 10m divers which is why it would be dumb to even try that at this height. not saying that it can't be done, it's just extremely difficult and dangerous.

  • n8tehgr827 Says:

    9/08/2012 11:43:38 AM


  • Adrenaline552 Says:

    9/08/2012 7:53:04 AM

    is there a woman's cliff diving?

  • redbullswee Says:

    9/08/2012 7:15:54 AM

    I have never seen a cliff diver dive .....

  • cjphiltom Says:

    9/08/2012 7:10:17 AM

    So much respect for these guys and what they do!

  • JayJayAbels Says:

    9/08/2012 7:07:59 AM

    These guys are nuts. Good for them though... someone has to be.

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