
Tags: alysheba bet lost mccarron perret

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  • joefederico Says:

    25/08/2012 1:30:10 PM

    Give Craig Perret a little credit there too. Lost Code was no slouch and wasn't giving up the rail and Perret 'bet' on it. He kept Sheba jammed in there, McCarron freaked out and yanked his mount to the outside losing a ton of ground, at least more than the winning margin. He would have been better off waiting until they straightened out to decide what to do. Sheba looked like he had more than enough gas in the tank to win this.

  • dlempriere76 Says:

    18/08/2012 5:30:38 PM

    Yes I think it cost him the race.

  • latinostallion94 Says:

    18/08/2012 5:26:14 AM

    I think if Alysheba had stayed on the rail he would have had a better shot

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