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  • Søren Bo Krogsgaard Says:

    15/10/2012 10:02:28 AM

    They made it private. WHY, WHYYYYY?!? XD

  • youvebeenziond Says:

    15/10/2012 9:59:47 AM

    Where is the video of him jumping?

  • Асен Митков Says:

    12/10/2012 3:54:47 AM

    We have already waited 5 years for this...whats another week or two? Everyone needs to stop complaining, Felix will jump when the time is right, no point in rushing it after this long!

  • fellosantiago Says:

    12/10/2012 3:53:33 AM

    U people are so funny, but that's ok, let felix do the jump, look at the videos then talk shit, is not just cojones(balls) is way more than that, go to the nearest airport and jump from a plane at 10,500 feet, then u came here and make a opinion of how it will feel doing it 12 times higher

  • Pr0gtz Says:

    12/10/2012 3:37:15 AM

    Be patient felix :P

  • Aegis Kay Says:

    12/10/2012 3:24:24 AM

    2:18 The face of a man denied the ride of a lifetime. Science can be a bastard sometimes.

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