
See who made the Australian Kangaroos Test team to play New Zealand on Friday May 6th

Tags: kangaroos team

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  • lunisite01 Says:

    30/04/2016 10:36:41 PM

    "I want the game of rugby league to be a force internationally" your exact words mal. Then why pick Fiji's best player, why not cory oats? Or Morris? They are both great wingers and are both australian. Semi is only in it for the money, that's a fact you can look at any interview he's done since. Whether he is the best winger or not is irrelevant, people saying he deserves a spot is just rubbish, that's like saying Sam burgess is one of the best forwards lets just pick him too, and spit on our own forwards. Semi is NOT Australian, this starts and ends with that fact.

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