
  • Uploaded on 2/02/2013 4:25:13 PM
  • Category: Educational


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  • Butch Cassidy Says:

    1/03/2013 1:20:04 AM

    Thank You very much for the info. :)

  • Frank Lovato, Jr. Says:

    1/03/2013 12:48:14 AM

    Hey Butch Cassidy, I think other parts of the world use the breast plate out of tradition and a piece of standard equipment. Otherwise, I really do not know the answer. In my career, I rode over 16,000 races in the USA, maybe used a breast plate 10 times? The horses I rode with it really needed it as the saddle would slip back no matter how tight.. but those horses with that problem are not a high percentage.

  • Butch Cassidy Says:

    28/02/2013 6:45:07 PM

    Why is it used more in Europe for flat racing than in the U.S? Is there really that big of a difference or do the styles of racing differ so much that is is needed in some areas of the world rather than others?

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