
  • Uploaded on 20/08/2012 7:08:21 PM
  • Category: AFL

Tags: footy

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  • EpiLegs Says:

    21/08/2012 4:11:31 PM

    Will minson 1 week is pathetic. Just because it DIDNT cause an injury, why does it lessen the "impact"? The intent to HURT the player laying on the ground is 100% there. The current system is just nonsense. Stupid

  • Payka092 Says:

    21/08/2012 1:53:59 AM

    You're kidding, right? Since when does the fact that you love watching something make it okay? These are grown men throwing violent hissy fits over a game. That might be entertaining, but that doesn't mean it should be condoned. If you want to start your own fight club go ahead, there are rules for a reason. The AFL post it because it is noteworthy, it doesn't mean that they promote it. The news reports murders because it's NEWS, that doesn't mean they're saying "killing people is great!"

  • quotemock Says:

    20/08/2012 9:37:10 PM

    Nothing about Shuey's staging???

  • AllGameClips Says:

    20/08/2012 8:58:13 PM

    The only good rule the AFL has introduced lately is the staging rule. We don't want our sport becoming like soccer...

  • XxMaplerzxX Says:

    20/08/2012 7:34:43 PM

    Players in the melee should not be fined. Ever. We all love it. If you think it promotes violence and that it's a tarnish on our game, then why does the AFL themselves post it online each time it happens? They see it as a highlight, and so do we. Highlights give fines? LOL

  • mudezyful Says:

    20/08/2012 7:23:03 PM

    makes you wonder if the people making these calls have ever played a game of footy in their lives. so shit.

  • clintslicker Says:

    20/08/2012 7:17:28 PM

    i do not understand the rules any more.

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