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  • Mike Rehak Says:

    5/09/2012 1:23:00 AM

    The real shame - in the post-race interview, when asked about Dayjur's proclivity for jumping shadows, his rider, Willie Carson, admitted that Dayjur had done the skipping shadows thing before. I don't remember Dayjyr's trainer's name, but shouldn't he have used a shadow-roll? Note the following year's BC Classic winner finishes third here.

  • MikePike5 Says:

    4/09/2012 9:56:05 PM

    Can you upload the 1990 breeders cup distaff? With the post race and interviews and trophy presentation?

  • redbrian3655 Says:

    4/09/2012 9:10:11 PM

    This race still thrills me. Safely Kept never lost her action. It is a shame that neither Safely Kept nor Dayjur really passed on their amazing speed and heart to their progeny with any impact. Safely Kept was Maryland's reigning horse of the year, so naturally I rooted for her. Thank God for shadows in the track! BRIAN

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